Capital One Credit Card For Bad Credit. Who should get it: The Capital One® Secured Mastercard® reports to all three major credit bureaus, and if you make your first five monthly payments on time. Credit cards for people with bad credit or no credit are notorious for high fees.
Capital One® Platinum Credit Card: Best for people with limited credit history (not currently available).
Having bad credit is generally defined as having a history of negative items on your credit report such as late payments and tax Generally, you need a credit card designed for bad credit if you can't get approved for other cards.
Wells Fargo credit cards are currently unavailable on The Ascent due to market conditions. With bad credit, it becomes a problem to find a real credit card with no security deposit and that is not prepaid or debit. CCDC has partnerships with issuers including, but not limited to, American Express, Bank of America, Capital.
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